Meditate with the
Angels of Joy
& Kimberly Marooney

The angels and Kimberly are delighted that you are joining us. Carry the sense of connection you experienced with Alara and Kimberly into this transforming experience of ascending. Close your eyes, breathe into your heart, relax, trust, we are here....

The fabulous music is from Robert Haig Coxon and Kit Watkins

Want MORE?

Archangel Gabriel wants to Activate Your SOUL STAR

Alara and Kimberly talked about the power and blessings in Archangel Gabriel's Soul Star Activation. Provide your email to access it now!

Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney

Author of Angel Blessings Cards, and
The Little Book of Angel Healing: First Aid from the Heavenly Realms

Archangel Gabriel's SOUL STAR Activation
Pure Light Flows
Pure, transcendental Light flows down from the heavens into your body and life.
Your Path is Illumunined
Your way is made clear. Your Guardian Angel guides your next steps into your Light Body and Soul Calling.
Resources Flow
Resources and treasure flows from your True Self to you, empowering your Soul Calling. 

I live to Activate Divinity in you. When the Archangels asked me to "host" 7 Activations, the joy was ecstatic! Use the Joy Meditation and Archangel Gabriel's Soul Star Activation to take your next steps into the glory and magnificence of a Spirit Guided Life.

With much love,

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Kimberly Marooney